The Bible tells us that Christians are members of a body. This means that the Christian life was never intended to be lived on our own. Christians need to live in community and fellowship with the church – which is the bride of Jesus Christ. In fact, many commandments that we find in the New Testament depend on Christians being members of local churches. Biblical church membership in the local church consists of Christians mutually submitting themselves to the care, oversight, doctrine, and discipline of the local church.
Any person desiring to become a member of this church must be interviewed by an elder of this church in order to determine the credibility of their profession of faith and the status of their baptism. As a Baptist church, we believe that every local church is too strive to maintain regenerate church membership by striving to ensure that every member’s profession of faith is credible.
The purpose of this interview, is that the pastors of the church can become familiar with who you are, learn about your conversion, and help you with any questions you may have about our church.
Upon the completion of a membership interview, each candidate will be required to attend a series of membership classes. These classes are small group meetings where we lay out our understanding of Biblical church membership.These classes are a wonderful time to get to know other Christians who are newly joining Grace Community Church as you are.
For all who desire to move forward with membership, and upon satisfactory completion of the above requirements, the elders will recommend candidates to the congregation of GCC for membership. Formal membership will not begin until the congregation votes to receive the candidate into the local church.
If you wish to begin the membership process at GCC, please begin by contacting one of the pastors of GCC to set up your membership interview. Any person who credibly professes repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (Mark 1:15; Acts 20:21) shall be eligible for membership–provided they are willing to submit to this church’s doctrine and leadership.